Top 5 Attributes of Highly Successful Hadoop Clusters

How do you ensure maximum value from your production environment? 

Enterprises have data streaming in from all directions, data which can become a huge competitive advantage if the organization has the right tools to capture, store, analyze, and quantify it to turn into actionable insight. Hadoop is one of the only open-source platforms available today that can store and process data at this scale - but it's not as easy as "plug and play" and there are inherent performance limitations that all organizations will encounter.

There are some things you can do to improve the performance of your cluster and ensure that jobs complete on time, users have the right level of access, and your business has the insight it needs to keep things running optimally. Download our How To Read  paper to find out what are the top five attributes of a highly successful deployment, and how you can get past the Hadoop performance barrier.